
🔨 Recent and past projects

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Thriveful Mental Health

An online counselling booking website, aiming to provide low-cost online counseling services to the public.

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Anna Watson Studio

A design studio website powered by sleek UI animations, inviting visitors to connect with the website owner.

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ThoughtCraft Blog Nexus

A creative studio website that enables the website owner to effortlessly manage blog content through a unified interface.

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A modern dashboard allowing users to delve into data, and featuring basic machine learning predictions.

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Sleek Portfolio Showcase

A simplistic Design Portfolio Landing Page with a seamlessly integrated dark and light mode switch.

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A metaverse-themed landing page with animation effect and responsive design.

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The Succulent's World

An eCommerce shop for the Succulent's lovers.

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A data analytics commerce website with typewrite animation and responsive design.

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How's the Weather

A Real-Time Weather App for those who want concise weather information based on where they are.

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Fruit Yield Assessment from Photos

Used scikit-learn, a free software machine learning library in Python, to count fruits in a given image.

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Real-Time Visualize Open Data

Visualize PM 2.5 data in MongoDB from the Taiwanese government's open-data platform.

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IoT Device Tracker

A Simple IoT Device Tracker built with the MERN stack.

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Visualize the River Pollution Status in Taiwan

Used Elasticsearch and Kibana to visualize the River Pollution Status data in Taiwan.

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Real-Time User Profile Data Pipeline

Used kakfa and Elasticsearch to receive and visualize the real-time user profile data.